Eilean – Imbolc – EN

Eilean – Imbolc – EN

Magazin Folker! Edition 4/2006:
CD review Eilean – Imbolc

Eilean Celtic Music Imbolc (self-published, 17 Tracks, 59:12)
It’s hard to believe that this calm, dreamy traditional Irish, Scottish and Breton music with harp, guitar, bodhrán, whistle, accordion, quiet bagpipes, cello, wooden and metal flutes and singing comes from the hectic metropolis of Berlin. Four regular and five guest musicians take you into completely different realms.

Order the album as .WAV files on a wooden USB stick

Or order the .WAV files as a download link

CD release: 08.04.2006
Recording: Christopher Daams
Mastering: Track-at-once Studio Berlin
Musicians “Eilean / Imbolc”:
Christopher Daams – Celtic harp, guitar, vocals
Myriam Carl – vocals, guitar, Bodhrán
Susanna Wüstneck – Low/Tin Whistle, vocals, guitar
Ralf Wüstneck – accordeon, percussionour guest musicians:
Ingo Neumann – bagpipe
Ulrike Siedel – cello
Melanie Großmann – accordeon, Tin Whistle
Bianca Kliese – wooden flute
Bettina-Dorothee Mecke – flute

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