Order CD coolMasala

Order CD coolMasala

CD “cool Masala” in a jewel case
Price: 15 EUR plus 4 EUR for packing costs and shipping within Europe

How does the ordering process work?

  1. You send me an email using the order form and fill in your shipping address.
  2. As soon as I receive your email, I will confirm your order
  3. I will then pack the CD “coolMasala” and send it to you along with an invoice
  4. Once you have received the CD, you will transfer the money to the bank details provided in the invoice.
  5. If you don’t like the CD, you can send it back within 2 weeks time and get 15 EUR back.

You can use this form to order the CD “coolMasala”:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please fill in your shipping address

By using the form or sending me an order directly by email, you automatically agree that I will use your address details (to send you the link) and also store them (I save all invoices on an external hard drive). You can find more information about how I handle data protection here:

And if you have any further questions about the CD or the ordering process, please contact me at kontakt(at)myriamcarlayuna.com

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